

Monday, August 28, 2023

 Blog Post 1

Media Sources I love and why…

    Daily Chatter— “DailyChatter is an international daily newsletter whose sole mission is to help people know the world better. We search for meaning and context in this immensely complex world and filter what we’re hearing through our staff of deeply experienced journalists based in Europe, Asia, and the United States. DailyChatter is proudly non-partisan and completely independent of all other media. We are privately owned, subscription-based newsletter. Our sole loyalty is to our subscribers.” (Daily Chatter) This news source was created by my mom‘s friend and offers daily news of all kinds of categories! I like this source not only because of the variety of news options it offers but because it offers this news in small doses, (Once daily quotes to your email) with a positive spin so the first thing you see in the morning is something happy rather than something negative.

  2. The Huffington Post — I personally love this news source because of the voice that the contributors bring to the table. Many news sources can feel preachy or pompous and the Huffington Post feels like you and your friend are swapping stories without taking away from the news itself. They even have a section called Voices to make sure that they can amplify as many perspectives and voices as possible, You can choose from a variety of minorities such as race or LGBTQ plus, and many of their opinion pieces are written by Real people who don’t have a degree in journalism which makes it more relatable than the average news source.

  3. Vogue— (fun fact: I met an editor of Vogue through a chance encounter and she was super nice) Despite being a fashion magazine, I feel like Vogue also does quite a bit with civil rights. They have many activists come on and interview them about their achievements and struggles. On Teen Vogue they even have an entire section of their website devoted to civil rights stories that are easy for teenagers and tweens to understand. This can range anywhere from Brown versus Board of Education, to the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020, this allows girls, especially teenage girls, to read about people just like them doing big things and inspiring them to advocate in their own communities.

  4.  New Mobility— Being in the largest most intersectional minority group (Disability) I often struggled to get media written in authentic voices about the disability experience or issues we face, until I found New Mobility. This is a magazine written for disabled people by disabled people and it’s refreshing to be able to hear about issues that hit close to home without feeling a disconnect. I especially love this magazine because they allow anyone to become a contributor. I even applied last year and they seemed to like my piece. 

  5. The Washington Post (TikTok) (disclaimer, if you use TikTok as your sole news source please make sure that you are fact-checking these videos because you shouldn’t believe everything you read or watch, I don’t condone the use of social media platforms to spread misinformation.)  Before discovering their TikTok, I didn’t really read the Washington Post. I knew that my parents liked it but I thought it was for old people. Discovering their TikTok however has completely changed my mind. Many big political events can be overwhelming for even the most policy-savvy person. The Washington Post TikTok however makes these events easy to understand and humorous while not taking away from the story.

Links to news sources

DailyChatter, the world in your inbox every weekday morning. (2017, February 13). DailyChatter.

HuffPost - breaking news, U.s. and world news. (n.d.). HuffPost. Retrieved August 28, 2023, from

Nast, C. (n.d.). Civil Rights Movement. Teen Vogue. Retrieved August 28, 2023, from

Washingtonpost. (n.d.). TikTok. Retrieved August 28, 2023, from

Final Post

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