

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Final Post

 Final Post

I would say I have a healthy relationship with technology, but my parents would probably disagree. I have an incredibly large online presence due to my disability and advocacy work this is forced me to have a healthy relationship with my technology,  well, and also not being able to type or write without some accommodations. being able to use speech-to-text opened up my world as a competent writer and allowed me to explore writing as a creative Outlet. In the sense that writing has opened up so many doors for me and that is thanks to technology I would say  but I and many disabled writers have a healthier relationship with technology. I can see however while that parents would think I do not have a healthy relationship with technology because I'm on it for excessive amounts and they are from an older relationship who does not understand quite as much how it's helped me.

Outside of Technology opening up doors for many people most Average Joe's,e do not have a healthy relationship with technology. People today are on it constantly and sometimes your information about themselves and other people could be considered private, Many people make the mistake of making their accounts public so anyone can see what they post about themselves and other people.A part of people's unhealthy relationship with social media is that they do many activities involving others but without their consent. This is especially true with the phenomenon of  “Sharenting”  AKA where parents have a social media presence about their children without those children's consent.

“I had just turned 13, and I thought I was just beginning my public online life, when in fact there were hundreds of pictures and stories of me that, would live on the internet forever, whether I wanted it to be or not, and I didn’t have control over it. I was furious; I felt betrayed and lied to.”

Not only do these children not have control over their own online presence but also I don't think mothers realize that what they post about their children can be used not only by any average person who stumbles across their page even if they're private but also the government to track that information and use it against them.

Teenagers today have grown up in a world where social media is the norm,  this is an increased rates of mental illness among teens and Body Image issues, especially among teenage girls. Many of them feel the pressure to be perfect because of how heavily edited their social media is. “When you go to post your own picture or even appear on a Zoom call, you may be shocked and disappointed by the fact that you don’t look as glamorous or as perfect as what you see on social media…Dr. Byrne notes. “For some people, this can be a source of anxiety and even shame.” That anxiety and shame can quickly turn into self-esteem issues and even body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), a mental health condition in which you’re consumed by thoughts about how you look and the defects you think you see.” (Cleveland Clinic) Unfortunately, this has become so normalized by the use of social media in excess that  a lot of people don't think they have a problem. What would help is people realizing that social media is too much of a good thing and setting limits for themselves as best they can.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


 I think the thing I found most interesting was of the world's first iteration of AI called Eliza. I found it interesting that the first iteration would be in the form of a digital therapist rather than something that could actually do more like turn on lights or make things move. I wonder why they didn't do that way? What I thought was the most interesting about Eliza was the fact that her inventor really regretted making Eliza because he was before his time and thought that AI was going to take over the world. little did he know how right he was going to be! today AI everywhere and is taking away lots of human jobs, it even has started putting filler words in conversations with humans to make it sound more authentic. It's wild to me that AI can mimic modern human speech patterns and even sound like an actual human is talking .Although AI has been helpful to me in particular I think this is taking it too far Eliza's  inventor is probably laughing at us in the cosmos to be honest. It's like he was predicting the future!

The Monster Itself

Another thing I find interesting is the phenomenon called “cord cutting.” Cord cutting is when people are getting rid of cable subscriptions in favor of screaming services as a way to watch television. I knew that cord cutting was happening but  I figured a lot of rural communities still had cable TV because it's harder to get Wi-Fi in less urban areas. I also didn't realize that it was causing a bigger discrepancy between Boomers who are having trouble accessing and learning how to use the technology,  and the Gen Z who  feel as though cable is irrelevant and that boomers are jacking up the prices of streaming services and cable for no reason. I think Gen Z needs to relax and give the older Generations a chance to learn and catch up to us.

Final Post

  Final Post I would say I have a healthy relationship with technology, but my parents would probably disagree. I have an incredibly large o...