

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Anti War

We Want Peace


We have to seek out obscure websites to hear Anti-War opinions because the government makes money off of war and does not want it to stop. According to The Medium: “Over several years, America has been producing about 37% of the weapons and arms used for mass destruction across the globe. The weapons industry is considered a big wealthy business that supports an annual global arms trade worth around $100 billion.”

 It's common knowledge that the US is trillions of dollars in debt due to its lack of neutrality in many foreign affairs. We can infer that the United States pays off a small percentage of its debts by using money it makes through weapon manufacturing and sending weapons to foreign countries. 

“These companies sell weapons to countries such as Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Sudan. Without considering if these nations follow the concepts and principles of democracy/civil rights. To fight these wars, the US Department of Defense buys ammunition from nations such as these.” What this means is no matter what side the US is on when it comes to a war if it is fighting against countries that pay them to create ammunition the US will always come out on top in some way even if they lose because they are making money off of the war whereas these other countries are not. We may have gone into foreign affairs with good intentions in the first place, but now our intentions are more corrupt than we probably could have imagined. 

So why do not a lot of people know about this? simple it's because most major newspapers are probably paid to keep quiet or are ignorant of just how much the government spends on war. they use our political divisiveness as a scapegoat for what's really going on in the United States government. Abraham Lincoln once said:  “A house divided against itself cannot stand” The government is using our division as a way to distract us from what's really going on and not have us support what might be the right thing to do so it can continue to profit. The US worries that if people learn more about anti-war philosophy the country will advocate for more peaceful adaptations which means less money for the United States.


Casualties, I. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2023, from

Home. (2022, June 7). The American Conservative.

House divided speech - Lincoln home national historic site (U.s. national Park service). (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2023, from

Rode, R. (2021, October 17). How does the USA make a profit from war? - Riya Rode. Medium.

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