

Friday, September 15, 2023

EOTO Reflection

 The coolest thing I learned from our EOTO  presentations was that Netflix was originally a mail DVD service. I remember Blockbuster a little bit as a kid but I think it closed before I could fully form actual memories. I like how quickly it pivoted the platform to streaming things online as a way to make themselves stand out. and when streaming things online became the norm they pivoted their model again to adding more Netflix originals. They're quite Innovative and despite many other streaming services coming out they still managed to be the ones on top.

Another really cool thing I learned was about the origin story of Facebook, it was originally a ranking system for the college guys to rank girls at Harvard, and instead of kicking Mark Zuckerberg out when they found out he made a deal with them and helped them eventually strengthen their online security. Like Netflix Facebook kept changing their model it went from a ranking system of the girls at Harvard to a way to get to know your roommate that was University-Based ( kind of like today’s ZeeMee.) To the social media giant that we know today and despite Gen-Z’s lack of use for Facebook it is still one of the most popular social media platforms.

Finally, a third thing I learned is about carrier pigeons! I had no idea that they were given Medals of Honor and did such Brave things. the pigeons we see today are not very bright so I had no idea that they had the cognitive function to be able to continue to do their jobs in the face of adversity. I also had your idea that they weren't around in the US today for systems because we have faster technology. I just thought they weren't around because the US hasn't had a war on our home turf in a bit. If they would still end up doing that experiment that they did in 2006 comparing a carrier pigeon to the internet in South Africa. I wonder if pigeons would still be faster?

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