

Saturday, September 30, 2023

The Age of AI

      (Sorry about the formatting I’m not sure what happened but I couldn’t fix it)

   I think the biggest thing I learned about AI is how scared it is making people. I didn’t think that people actually thought that it was gonna take away their jobs because I didn’t think it was that developed but I was very much wrong. I also think that frightened me the most because it is a lot easier to automate something then pay someone and it’s a disabled person who already has to compete with her able-bodied peers for jobs and prove herself, AI becoming more prevalent that I’m even less likely to get a job between higher performing peers and now more automated jobs. I also find it kind of scary that companies like Google know all about us without us even realizing how we’re giving them the information. I find it kind of sad that Google is originally against it but then had to sell the information and support advertisements to make more money, I felt like they were peer pressured into not being themselves. The only thing I found cool about it is how it might eventually make my life easier when it comes to doing daily tasks. Such as turning on and off lights and opening and closing doors, however this comes at a high cost that I don’t think I’m ready for, specially since that intelligence is smart enough that it can outsmart a human in other situations. What I thought was interesting is how we are in a battle against China and I wonder what will happen if China wins which I feel like they will because they are already using AI in different capacities then we are. I’m also wondering if with the writer strikes going on if the US or other countries are going to have bureaus/committees that are going to regulate AI, it seems like the next logical step so that way it doesn’t completely take over human creativity or work ethic. are these gonna be government related bureaus or are they going to start their own independent organizations? I’m hoping for the latter  as I think it will be hard to convince the government to not use AI to its own advantages.

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