

Monday, September 4, 2023

The Eight Values of Free Expression


Eight Values of Free Expression

Speech Bubble

The first value I would like to discuss is value number four, “Individual Self-Fulfillment” This value allows American citizens to create their own identity and explore what being a person means for them. When doing this we often find Kindred Spirits and support groups that can help us through unique challenges. This value resonates with me because I am part of a minority community.

Growing up I never felt like I fit in really anywhere, from the age of 12  on it was really hard for me as I was one of the only mainstreamed disabled children in my district of about several thousand. I wasn't sure who to turn to when things got medically complex and knew that as much as my friends loved me they would never truly understand the experiences I went through because they were not disabled. I felt really lonely and angry and I wasn't sure where to turn at the time. It took 3 years and lots of social media stalking but I finally found the community I was looking for. It is a community of about 200 girls in chairs that get together every year in Los Angeles. many of these girls are from around the world and have been through similar things that I have. having their support and unconditional acceptance means the world to me and if it weren't for the ability to explore this part of my identity that is so Taboo in other countries I would have never found the community that I have and would have never come to a place of mostly acceptance around my disability. I would still be that lonely angry kid who just wanted someone to understand her. I find it unfortunate that many countries don't allow this level of freedom of speech that we have because it leaves many minorities isolated from people who could be their peers both in person and online. 

The second value I would like to talk about is Participation in Self-Government, I think this one is important because it's one of the principles that even the founding fathers stood on when they wanted to leave British rule. they wanted to be able to know what was going on and have a say in their government and the British rule was not giving them that. It saddens me to think that many countries today still have to deal with not understanding or being given the choice to control their government. Because we have many protections surrounding Free Speech we are also able to exercise autonomy in what we believe, and the information we can access. a lot of countries that don't have free speech have censored information that only says what the government wants them to hear. I'm thankful that we don't have this otherwise many voices that would not get a chance to speak normally would be completely eradicated. it's important that we hear these voices out because they have a different perspective that could potentially lead to positive change in the future.

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